- He declared his employment income (to the tax authorities) but concealed all of his income from land sales.
税務当局に従う: comply with tax authorities
武器売却で得た利益: arms profits
税務当局: 1. revenue authority 2. tax authorities 3. taxing authority
申告した: 【形】 declared
土地売却: land selling
あなたが海外で得た単位はすべて、最終学位に対してプラスされる: Any credits you earned abroad will count towards your final degree.
税務当局に差し押さえられる: be seized by tax authorities
減少した収入: diminished revenue
給与所得: 給与所得 きゅうよしょとく earned income
給与所得税: income tax on salary
給与所得者: 給与所得者 きゅうよしょとくしゃ salaried employee
大した収入がある: have an impressive income
給与所得控除: 1. deduction for employment income 2. employment income deduction 3. employment income exemption
給与所得のない: 【形】 unwaged
給与所得者の月収: salaried workers' monthly income