Fines are __ dollars per day per item, up to __ dollars per fine.
料金は_ドルである: come with a $__ price tag〔主語の〕 単一品目店: single-line store 時給_ドルで: with an hourly labor rate of $__ 合計金額は正しくは_ドルであることが分かる: find that the total should read $__ 所持金は約_ドルである: have roughly $__ on 罰金_ドルを支払う: pay a fine of $__ _ドル以下の罰金: 1. a fine not exceeding $__ 2. fine of up to $__ 3. fine up to $__ 最低_品目の: at least __ servings of この生命保険の額面金額は20万ドルです: The face amount of this life insurance is $200,000. ごみを捨てると最低罰金100ドルです。: MINIMUM FINE FOR LITTERING $100.00〔山道;《掲》〕 一日_ドルで車を借りる: rent a car for $__ a day その治療の最大限の保険がでる額は一生のうちで一人250ドルです: A lifetime maximum allowance for that treatment is $250 per person. その治療の最大限の額は一生のうちで一人250ドルです: A lifetime maximum allowance for that treatment is $250 per person. _ドルで売る: sell ~ to someone at $__〔~を〕〔人に〕 _ドルで買う: buy ~ for $__〔~を〕