There were stories of famous baseball players handing out money.
有名な野球選手と食事する: dine with a famous baseball player ~から聞いた話では: as someone takes it from〔人が〕 好きな野球選手: favorite ball player 老練な野球選手: veteran baseball player ちょっと聞いた話では: from what I heard 息子の結婚の時に、彼は教会にお金を寄付した: On the occasion of his son's marriage, he donated money to the church. 野球選手: 野球選手 やきゅうせんしゅ baseball player ballplayer 野球選手 1: 1. ballplayer 2. baseball player 3. baseballer 野球選手 2 ball player《野球》 そうだね、だけどもっと優秀な選手たちがいたよ。: Yeah, but he had better players to work with. 関係した話では: on a related note 関連した話では: on a related note プロ野球選手: professional baseball player 少年は大好きな野球選手のサインを求めた: The boy asked for his favorite baseball player's autograph. こうした若い選手たちが新たに多くのファンを引き付けるのよね?: These young players are attracting a lot of new fans, aren't they? 聞いた話: story that someone heard〔人が〕