健康維持に効果がある: help someone succeed in maintaining healthy〔人の〕 肝臓の健康維持に良い: have a beneficial effect on the liver 肝臓の健康維持に有効である: have a beneficial effect on the liver 肝臓の健康維持によく効く: have a beneficial effect on the liver 肝臓に効果がある: have a beneficial effect on the liver 記憶力の維持に効果がある: be good for preserving someone's mind〔人の〕 肌の健康に大いに効果がある: go a long way in skin health 肌の健康に非常に効果がある: go a long way in skin health 肝臓病予防に効果がある: help someone with liver disease〔人の〕 肝臓病治療に効果がある: help someone with liver disease〔人の〕 肝臓病防止に効果がある: help someone with liver disease〔人の〕 健康障害に効果がある: relieve a health problem 健康維持に重要である: be important for health maintenance 肌の健康維持に欠かせない: play a pivotal role in maintaining a healthy skin 健康維持に役立つ: work to keep someone in good health〔人の〕