- sit upright in a straight-backed chair with one's spine pressed against the back of the chair
背もたれが真っすぐのいすに背筋を伸ばして腰掛ける: sit upright in a straight-backed chair with one's spine pressed against the back of the chair
背もたれが真っすぐのいすに背骨を付けて座る: sit upright in a straight-backed chair with one's spine pressed against the back of the chair
背もたれが真っすぐのいすに深く座る: sit upright in a straight-backed chair with one's spine pressed against the back of the chair
背もたれが真っすぐのいすに深く腰掛ける: sit upright in a straight-backed chair with one's spine pressed against the back of the chair
背筋を伸ばして座る: 1. sit bolt upright 2. sit ramrod-straight 3. sit straight [upright] 4. sit up straight 5. sit with a straight back 6. sit with one's head upright
背筋を伸ばして真っすぐ立つ: keep one's shoulders back
背中と首を真っすぐに伸ばして座る: sit with one's back and neck straight
背筋を伸ばして 1: 1. with one's back ramrod-straight 2. with the ramrod-straight posture 背筋を伸ばして 2 【副】 ramrod-straight
背筋を伸ばして座りなさい。そんなふうに座るのは失礼ですよ。: Tommy, sit up straight. It's rude to sit like that.
背筋を真っすぐ伸ばす: stand erect
背筋を伸ばして歩く: 1. walk straight 2. walk with one's back straight
背筋を伸ばして立つ: 背筋を伸ばして立つ v. straighten |自|背筋を伸ばして立つ(up, out). (見出しへ戻る headword ? 背筋)
背部を伸ばして座る: sit straight [upright]
体を真っすぐにして座る: sit erect
いすに座って背筋を伸ばす: sit straight up in one's chair