have a mild dull ache in the center of one's chest
胸部に鈍痛を感じる: feel a dull ache in one's chest 右ひざに鈍痛を感じる: have a dull pain in one's right knee 左ひざに鈍痛を感じる: have a dull pain in one's left knee 市の中心部に: in the central part of the city 苦痛を感じる: 1. feel (a) pain 2. suffer pain 町の中心部に入る: come into the center of town 脚に激痛を感じる: feel great pain in one's leg 中心部に〔~の〕: 【前】 midmost 市の中心部にあるホテル: hotel in the city center 市の中心部に建てられる: be located in the central part of a city 市の中心部に設置される: be located in the central part of a city 町の中心部に向かって: toward the center of town 軽い食事を取るために活気ある町の中心部に立ち入る: enter the center of bustling city to get refreshment 胸の高鳴りを感じる: feel a rush of excitement 島の中心部: heart of island