自分の力量を示す 1: 1. go through one's paces 2. prove himself 自分の力量を示す 2 prove oneself to〔人に〕 自分の意見を隠す: mask one's sentiments 自分の才能を隠す: hide one's talent under a bushel 自分の誤りを隠す: cover one's mistake 自分の気持ちを隠す: conceal one's feelings from〔人に〕 自分の苦しみを隠す: mask one's pain 自分の行動の形跡を隠す: hide [cover (up)] one's traces [tracks] 自分の行動の証拠を隠す: hide [cover (up)] one's traces [tracks] 教師の力量を問う: test the teacher's ability 自分の失敗を隠すために(人)にうそをつく: lie to someone in order to cover up one's failure 自分の感情を隠すのが下手だ: be not clever at disguising one's feelings 謙そんして自分の才能を隠す: 1. hide one's candle under a bushel 2. hide one's light under a bushel 謙そんして自分の長所を隠す: hide one's candle behind closed doors 自分の力で: on one's own 相手の力量を見定める: take the measure of one's opponent