自分の貯金を銀行から引き出す: 1. draw his savings from the bank 2. withdraw his savings from the bank 自分の殻から出させる: bring someone out of his shell〔人を〕 水から引き出す: take ~ out of the water〔~を〕 窓から引き出す: pull someone out through the window〔人を〕 全額を銀行から引き出す: withdraw all one's money 孤独の中から引き出す: draw ~ out of isolation〔~を〕 水の中から引き出す: take ~ out of the water〔~を〕 特定の情報を~から引き出す: get specific information out of 銀行口座から引き出す: draw from a bank account 自分の口座からお金を引き出すよ。: I'll draw [take] out my money from my account. 経済を景気後退から引き出す: haul economy out of the recession 証券を保護預かりから引き出す: withdraw securities from their custody _ドル相当の現金を銀行から引き出す: take $__ worth of cash out of the bank ~から引きずり出す: drag someone from〔人を〕 …から~を引き出す: 1. derive ~ from 2. milk ~ out of