同情心に欠ける: lack compassion for〔~への〕 自尊心に欠ける: lack self-esteem 授業中にふざける: fool around in class 彼は自制心を奪われた: He was deprived of self-control. その少年は授業中に態度が悪かったので、罰せられた: The boy was punished for his misconduct during class. 私は授業中にうとうと眠ってしまい、先生に起こされた。: I dozed off during class and the teacher woke me up. トムは授業中によく私に色目を使う: Tom often makes goo-goo eyes at me during class. 彼は授業中あまり話さない: He doesn't talk much in class. 授業中に: 1. during a class 2. during instruction time 3. during school hours 4. during the lesson 5. in class 6. in lesson time 彼は罪悪感に欠ける: He lacks sense of guilt. 力に欠ける: lack the power to〔~する〕 自制心: 自制心 じせいしん self-control self-restraint マークは授業中に、ウォーターフィールド先生をからかって楽しんだ: Mark enjoyed playing jokes on Mr. Waterfield during class. 彼女は授業中、教授を公然と非難して学校を追い出された: She denounced her professor in class and was kicked out of school. 授業中に眠り込む: fall asleep while sitting in a class