自殺の危険性が高い: be at increased risk of suicide〔主語の〕 心事故の危険性が高い患者: patients who have increased risk for cardiac events 心疾患の危険性がかなり高い患者: patients with substantial risk of cardiac disease 危険性の高い 1: big risk 危険性の高い 2 【形】 1. high-risk 2. perilous 危険性の高い事業: hazardous enterprise 危険性の高い地域: high-risk community 危険性の高い食品: potentially hazardous foods 事故の危険性の高まり: increased risk of accidents 危険性の高い船外作業: high-risk spacewalks 危険性の高い運転者: high risk driver〔自動車事故を起こす〕 紛争勃発の危険性の高まり: increasing danger of eruption of conflicts 感染リスクの高い患者: patient at high risk for infection お金を危険性の高い投資に使う: put someone's money into risky investments〔人の〕 危険性の高い妊娠で早産を防ぐ: prevent premature births in high-risk pregnancies 危険性の高まり: increasing danger of〔~の〕