自然災害の危険への意識を高める: heighten one's awareness of the dangers of natural disasters 自然災害の後に: in the aftermath of a natural disaster 自然災害の犠牲者: victims of natural disasters 自然災害が起こりやすい地域: 自然災害が起こりやすい地域 area prone to natural disaster 災害の多い地域: disaster-prone area 自然災害: 自然災害 しぜんさいがい natural disaster 発症率が高い地域: area with a high incidence of〔~の〕 妨害の危険が全くなく: without any risk of interruption 危険性の高い地域: high-risk community 自然災害の犠牲者に援助を行う: provide aid to victims of natural disasters 自然災害の被害を最小限に抑える: minimize damage from natural disasters 自然災害発生時の危機管理: crisis management in the event of a natural disaster 心停止の危険性が高い: carry a high risk of asystole 自殺の危険性が高い: be at increased risk of suicide〔主語の〕 傷害の危険: risk of injury