警察へ(人)を引き渡す: hand over someone to the police 国の支配権を引き渡す: hand over control of the country 国家の支配権を引き渡す: hand over control of the country 金で(人)の身柄を引き渡す: sold out for money in sanctioning someone's extradition 事務を引き渡す: hand over the office work 交換に~を引き渡す: hand over ~ in exchange for〔~と〕 容疑者を引き渡す: 1. extradite a suspect 2. hand over the suspect 担当を引き渡す: hand off the baton to〔~に〕 書類を引き渡す 1: deliver document 書類を引き渡す 2 turn over documents to〔~に〕 武器を引き渡す: hand over one's weapon 盗品を引き渡す: mash it on 積荷を引き渡す: deliver shipment 警備を引き渡す: hand over security to〔~に〕 貨物を引き渡す: deliver cargo 責任を引き渡す: surrender one's responsibility (to)〔~に〕