- new-rich〔1990年代の代表的人物はビル?ゲイツ〕
タバコで巨万の富を築いた大富豪: tobacco giant
巨万の富を築く: 1. achieve great wealth 2. amass great riches 3. become a millionaire 4. build up a colossal fortune 5. pile amass vast wealth 6. pile up immense wealth 7. pile up vast wealth
巨万の富を: 巨万の富を築く v. amass great riches (見出しへ戻る headword ? 巨万の)
一夜にして巨万の富を得る: acquire immense wealth almost overnight
巨万の富を得る: make a million
巨万の富: 1. enormous fortune 2. enormous wealth 3. great riches 4. loadsamoney〈英話〉
思いがけない巨万の富を得る: get pots [a pot] of gold
彼は多くの富を築いたけれど、結局のところ、本当に幸せなのだろうか: He is making a lot of money, but at the end of the day is he really happy?
彼はアパレル業界で富を築いた: He made his fortune in the clothing business.
若くして: at a young age
巨万の金: 巨万の金 n. a prodigious sum of money (見出しへ戻る headword ? 巨万の)
人々が協力して働きその社会の富を分かち合う社会: society in which people work together and share in the wealth of that society
かつて~に反対していた人々: people who were once opposed to
非常に若くして: 【副】 too young
国の富を増す: increase the wealth of the nation