- 1. die a glorious death
2. die a heroic death
あえない最期を遂げる: 1. come to a sad end 2. die a tragic death
最期を遂げる: 1. die a violent death 2. go to one's fate 3. meet one's end [death] 4. meet one's fate
交通事故で最期を遂げる: meet one's end in the traffic accident
悲壮な最期を遂げる: 1. come to one's tragic final hour 2. die a hero's death 3. meet (with) a tragic end
悲惨な最期を遂げる: 1. die a cruel death 2. die a pitiful death 3. die a sad death 4. die tragically 5. meet a tragic death
無残な最期を遂げる: meet (with) a tragic end
華々しいカムバックを遂げたことになる: mark remarkable comeback
華々しい: 華々しい はなばなしい brilliant magnificent spectacular
いつまでも恐怖にかられて生きるよりは、いっそ悲惨な最期を遂げる方がましだ。: Better a fearful end than fear without end.
志を遂げる: 1. accomplish a purpose 2. accomplish one's aim 3. accomplish one's object 4. achieve an objective 5. attain one's aim
華々しい企て: spectacular attempt
華々しい勝利: brilliant victory
華々しい広告: spectacular advertisement
華々しい成功: brilliant success
華々しい成長: spectacular growth