- dull the pain with chemicals
薬物で痛みを和らげる: dull the pain with chemicals
薬物で痛みを緩和する: dull the pain with chemicals
薬物で痛みを軽減する: dull the pain with chemicals
痛みを抑える 1: 1. block pain 2. keep the pain down 3. kill the pain 痛みを抑える 2 【形】 painkilling
薬物で苦痛を抑える: dull the pain with chemicals
痛みを抑えるために適切な薬物治療を行う: get someone appropriate medication to control his pain〔人の〕
出産の痛みを抑える: make childbirth less painful
出産時の痛みを抑える: relieve someone's pain during childbirth〔人の〕
分娩の痛みを抑える: make childbirth less painful
一つの薬物で発作を抑える: have one's seizure controlled with a single drug
甘みを抑える: cut down on the sweetness
痛みを抑える薬を何か与える: give someone something to kill the pain
咳を抑える薬物: drugs that suppress coughing
悲しみを抑える: 1. control one's grief 2. control one's sorrow 3. smother one's grief
楽しみを抑える: deny oneself