- prolonged low levels of oxygen in the blood
血液中の酸素量が不十分であることから皮膚が蒼白になること: bluish discoloration of the skin resulting from an inadequate amount of oxygen in the blood
血液中の高濃度の二酸化炭素量: high levels of carbon dioxide in the blood
血液中の: in blood vessels
血液中の糖: 血液中の糖 けつえきちゅうのとう blood sugar
循環血液中の: in the circulating blood
末梢血液中の: in the peripheral bloodstream
血液中の鉄分: iron in the blood
血液中の酸素の濃度をチェックする: check the levels of oxygen in someone's blood〔人の〕
血液中の酸素濃度を測定する: measure the oxygen concentration in the blood / measure the concentrations of oxygen in the blood
大気中の酸素量: amount of oxygen in the atmosphere
血液中の尿酸濃度: blood concentration of uric acid
血液中の有害物質: harmful substance in the blood
血液中の液体量: amount of fluid in the blood
血液中の糖分量: amount of sugar in the blood
中長期的な: 1. medium- to long-term 2. mid-and-long term / mid- and long-term / mid [medium] and long term