- Natural Disaster Victims Relief Law
再建支援: reconstruction aid
被災者を支援する: assist the disaster victims
被災者: 被災者 ひさいしゃ victim of (some disaster)
地震の被災者を支援する: help victims of the earthquake
被災者への継続的な支援: continuous support for victims
支援法: supporting way
再建支援を通してより良い国となる: become a better country through support for reconstruction
途上国の紛争後における再建支援: support of post-conflict reconstruction in developing countries
原爆被災者: atomic bomb survivors [sufferers]
地震被災者: people affected by an earthquake
戦争被災者: war-affected populations
空襲被災者: air-raid victim
震災被災者: people suffered from the earthquake
障害者生活支援センター: support center for the disabled
高齢者生活支援サービス: lifestyle support services for the elderly