- The judge let him off with a two-year suspended sentence.
2年間の執行猶予: two-year stay of execution
執行猶予にする: give a suspended sentence
執行猶予になる: 1. be given a suspended sentence 2. be granted a stay of execution 3. get a suspended sentence
裁判官は彼らの離婚を、2週間前に承認した: The judge granted them a divorce two weeks ago.
_年の執行猶予がつく: be eligible for parole in __ years
_年の執行猶予期間: probation period of __ years
執行猶予: 執行猶予 しっこうゆうよ stay of execution suspended sentence
執行猶予で: on probation
執行猶予の: 【形】 suspended
_年の執行猶予付き死刑判決を受ける: be sentenced to death with a __ year reprieve
執行猶予期間: suspended term
執行猶予_年: suspension of __ years
死刑執行猶予: respite《法律》
裁判の執行: enforcement of adjudication
裁判官は二社間の争議の調停をしようとした: The judge tried to mediate the dispute between the companies.