- It was apparently a motiveless crime.
見たところ: 見たところ みたところ in appearance to look at judging from appearances
見たところ 1: 1. as far as appearances go 2. as it seems 3. on the (mere) face of it 4. to outward appearances 5. to outward seeming 見たところ 2 【副】 seemingly〔動詞 seem(~と見える)の派生語で、見掛けから物事を判断する様子を表す。seem の派生語はほかに、形容
見たところは: to all outward appearances
動機なき暴力: unmotivated violence
見たところでは 1: 1. as far as appearances go 2. to outward seeming 見たところでは 2 【副】 1. apparently 2. evidently 見たところでは 3 in someone's view〔人の〕
見たところ普通の: 【形】 average-looking
見たところ穏健な: seemingly moderate
見たところ等しい: apparently equal
見たところ~である: bear [have] marks of
見たところ~のようだ: externally appear to be
狂ったところ: a screw loose
犠牲者なき犯罪: victimless crime
被害者なき犯罪: victimless crime
チラッと見たところでは: on a cursory glance
私が直接見たところでは: from what I saw firsthand