彼の見習い期間が終わった。: His probation is over. 見習い期間: 1. apprenticeship 2. novitiate 3. period of apprenticeship 4. period of probation 5. probation period 6. probationary stage 7. trainee period 見習い期間で: on probation 見習い期間中: during probation 見習い期間中に: during someone's internship at〔~の〕 今月で賃貸期間が終わるので: as one's current lease expires this month 州からの失業手当の支給期間が終わる: exhaust state unemployment benefits 州の失業手当の支給期間が終わる: exhaust state unemployment benefits チャールズは3年で見習い期間を終えた: Charles finished his apprenticeship in three years. 連邦政府からの失業手当の支給期間が終わる: exhaust federal unemployment benefits 連邦政府の失業手当の支給期間が終わる: exhaust federal unemployment benefits 期間が終わりになって: at term〔特定の〕 見習い: 見習い みならい learn by observation apprentice 仕事が終わる: get off work 出番が終わる: be written out of〔~の〕