予定に従えば: according to schedule 規定に従う: stick to rules それは違う: 【副】 1. Nah / Nahhh〔No よりもカジュアル〕 2. no 規定に従って: according to rule / by rule この規定に従って: in conformity with this regulation 服装規定に従う: follow a dress code 慣習に従えば人は正しく暮らせるが、法がそれをぶち壊してしまう。: With customs we live well, but laws undo us. でも、それは違います。: But that's not true. 未成年者にたばこを売るのは違法だ: It's against the law to sell cigarettes to minors. 肌の色で差別することは違法だ: It is illegal to discriminate on the basis of skin color. 厳しい倫理規定に従って: under a strict code of ethical conduct 条約の規定に従って: in accordance with a treaty provision 大衆に従えば、大衆は褒めてくれるだろう。: Do as most men do, then most men will speak well of you. 本書の説明と手順に従えば~も行える: the descriptions and procedures in this document will enable the user to 高校で習った日本の時代区分に従えば: according to the Japanese history we learned in senior high school