議論に価値を置く: place value on the debates 家族に価値を置く人たち: family-values crowd ほかのものに価値を置く人: person who values other things 戦略的価値を置く: place strategic value in〔~に〕 1米ドルを_ペソに価値を固定する: fix the value of the peso at __ to the United States dollar すべての言葉に価値を込める: make every word count ほかのものに価値を見いだす人: person who values other things 結局大金よりも~に価値を認める: end up valuing big bucks behind 討議に付す: lay on the table 討議にかける: bring up for discussion 討議に加わる: join in the discussion …の上に~を置く: put ~ on top of はくを置く: put leaf はしを置く: 1. finish eating 2. finish one's meal 3. put down one's chopsticks 4. put one's chopsticks down 5. stop eating ペンを置く: sign off