- dismiss [drop, throw out, reject, abandon] the case altogether
訴えを全面的に放棄する: dismiss [drop, throw out, reject, abandon] the case altogether
訴訟を全面的に却下する: dismiss [drop, throw out, reject, abandon] the case altogether
訴訟を全面的に棄却する: dismiss [drop, throw out, reject, abandon] the case altogether
訴訟を全面的に取り下げる: dismiss [drop, throw out, reject, abandon] the case altogether
訴訟を放棄する: dismiss [drop, throw out, reject, abandon] a case (against)〔~に対する〕
自主的に放棄する: relinquish voluntarily
自発的に放棄する: relinquish voluntarily
体制を全面的に刷新する: completely revamp a system
作業を全面的に支持する: give full support to the work of〔~の〕
使用を全面的に禁止する: totally ban the use of〔~の〕
努力を全面的に支援する: fully endorse the efforts of〔~の〕
組織を全面的に刷新する: completely revamp a system
訴えを全面的に却下する: dismiss [drop, throw out, reject, abandon] the case altogether
捜査の失敗により訴訟を放棄する: dismiss [drop, throw out, reject, abandon] a case for the failure of the investigation
正当な理由なく訴訟を放棄する: dismiss [drop, throw out, reject, abandon] a case without just cause