最近~と取引して信じるに至ったのだが(that以下)だ: My recent experience with ~ leads me to believe that と信じるに至る: come to believe that〔that以下〕 信じるに至る: 信じるに至る しんじるにいたる to come to believe 証拠により(that以下)ということが明らかになった: evidence mounted that 拘束するに至った特命: special mission ended with someone in custody〔人を〕 と信じる: 1. get it into one's head that 2. take it that〔that以下〕 名声を得るに至った忠誠心: loyalty which has earned someone the distinction〔人が〕 拘束するに至った特殊任務: special mission ended with someone in custody〔人を〕 拘束するに至った特殊作戦: special mission ended with someone in custody〔人を〕 栄誉を得るに至った忠誠心: loyalty which has earned someone the distinction〔人が〕 武力攻撃が予測されるに至った事態: situations leading to forecasts of armed attacks (that以下)と信じきっているにもかかわらず: even though someone is sure that〔人は〕 と信じる誤り: fallacy of believing that〔that以下〕 強力な証拠によって(that以下)を明らかにする: show with strong evidence that 駐車違反に至った状況が免れられないものであったことをご理解いただき、罰金の取り消しに同意いただけると信じております。: I trust that you will understand that the circumstances leading to my parking infringement were unpreventable and so will agree to withdraw the penalty.