- do badly on the exam [examination]
入学試験の成績が悪い: score poorly on an entrance exam [examination]
乾きが悪い: 乾きが悪い adj. not dry easily. (見出しへ戻る headword ? 乾き)
できが悪い〔他の人より〕: 【副】 behind
数学のできがひどく悪い: be lousy at math
寝付きが悪い: have trouble getting to sleep
寝起きが悪い: 寝起きが悪い adj. get up on the wrong side of the bed 《略式》(特に朝)機嫌が悪い, 寝起きが悪い. (見出しへ戻る headword ? 寝起き)
火付きが悪い: 火付きが悪い ひつきがわるい be slow to kindle
目つきが悪い: have an unpleasant look to one's eyes
売れ行きが悪い: have poor selling
寝起きが悪い 1: 1. be a poor riser 2. be fretful on waking 3. be irritable on waking in the morning 4. wake in a bad mood [temper] 寝起きが悪い 2 be cranky when someone wakes up〔人の〕
手綱捌きが悪い: handle badly
暮らし向きが悪い: 1. be behindhand in one's circumstances 2. be ill off
足の動きが悪い: lack of movement in one's legs
体の具合が悪いのできょうは休みます。: I'm, not feeling well. I think I'll take the day off today.
天気が悪いので: on account of the bad weather