読み書きができる: 【形】 literate 計算が苦手な: be bad [poor] with figures 読み書きができない: 1. can't read or write 2. not know one's letters 読み書きが中心である: be centered on reading and writing 全読み書き: full read/write 読み書き: 読み書き よみかき reading and writing 英語が苦手な生徒: student with poor English 読み書き不能: writing and reading disability 読み書き問題: readers-writers problem 読み書き能力: read-write capability 2カ国語の読み書きができる: 【形】 biliterate 2カ国語の読み書きができる人: biliterate レーザビームで読み書きが行われる: be written and read through the use of laser beams 二カ国語で読み書きができる: be literate in two languages 小さい頃から読み書きができる: can read and write from an early stage