- 1. period of taxation
2. taxable period
_年間の免税期間: __-year tax holiday
納税通知書上の納税期間: tax period appearing on tax bill
課税の期間制限: limitation period on assessment
所得課税の期間内配分: 1. intra-period income tax allocation 2. intraperiod income tax
所得課税の期間相互配分: interperiod income tax allocation
課税: 課税 かぜい taxation
納税期日: 1. date of tax payment 2. date on which taxes are due 3. day for paying taxes 4. due date 5. tax day
納税期限: 1. deadline for payment of a tax 2. due date for tax payment
法定納税期限: statutory due date of tax payment
期間: 期間 きかん period term
再課税: reimposition
年課税: annual taxation
課税品: 1. article subject to taxation 2. chargeable goods 3. customable goods 4. dutiable article 5. dutiable item 6. goods subject to taxation 7. taxable article 8. taxable goods 9. taxation article 10. t
課税権: right of taxation
課税率: 課税率 かぜいりつ tax rate