両者の間に入る: serve as a buffer between 識者の任務: the role of intellectual 識者の役割: the role of intellectual 両者の間にすきがない: with no space between 両者の間に差[違い]はない。: There is no distinction between the two. 患者の間に感染が広がる: lead to widespread infection among patients の間に: in the intervening period〔二つの出来事〕 識者: 識者 しきしゃ well informed person thinking person intelligent person 2者の間に大きな隔たりがある。: There is a huge gap between the two. その宣伝の効果が、若者の間に広まった: The advertising campaign took wings among young people. 両者の間にはほとんど違いはない: There's not a dime's worth of difference between the two. 両者の間にワンクッション置く: serve as a buffer between 両者の間に本質的な差[違い]はない。: There isn't really any distinction per se between the two. 患者と医者の間にある中立的な立場: neutral position between patients and doctors 有権者の間に強力な支持を得る: win strong support within the electorate