- request the police to search for
警察に捜索願を出す: request the police to search for
捜索願を出す: ask the police to search for〔人の〕
捜索願いを出す: 捜索願いを出す v. apply to the police 〔…の〕捜索願いを出す〔for〕. (見出しへ戻る headword ? 捜索)
警察に届を出す: to file a report on the robbery
犯人の捜索: manhunt
警察に盗難届を出す: report a burglary [theft] to the police
警察に被害届を出す: 1. file a damage report to the police 2. go make a report to the police
休暇願を出す: 1. apply for a holiday 2. submit a request for time off
警察による捜索: 1. police hunt 2. police search
犯人の捜索を行う: conduct a manhunt
犯人の捜索を命じる: order a manhunt
警察に突き出す 1: hand someone over to the police 警察に突き出す 2 1. have someone arrested 2. send someone to the police station 3. take someone to the police station 4. turn someone into the police 5. turn someone over t
捜索令状を出す: issue a search warrant
徹夜の捜索: all-night search
必死の捜索: 1. desperate search 2. frantic search