- The police have announced a campaign against organized crime.
組織犯罪の大物: organized crime figure
組織犯罪の捜査: investigation of organized crime by〔~による〕
抗議の声明を出す: issue a message of protest
異例の声明を出す: issue a rare statement
少年犯罪の防止: prevention of juvenile crimes
市長は組織犯罪の撲滅を公約した: The mayor pledged the extirpation of organized crime.
警察はその犯罪の加害者を逮捕した: The police arrested the perpetrator of the crime.
警察は犯罪の現場を再現しようとした: The police tried to reconstruct the crime scene.
という趣旨の声明を出す: put out a statement to the effect that〔that以下〕
越境組織犯罪防止条約: Transnational Organized Crime Convention
ハイテク犯罪の防止: prevention of high-tech crimes
組織犯罪: 組織犯罪 そしきはんざい organized crime
暴力団組織: 1. organized crime syndicates 2. underground syndicate
組織暴力団: 組織暴力団 そしきぼうりょくだん organized crime syndicate
の声明を行う: make a statement that〔that以下〕