- The police have stepped up the security around the palace.
ビルの警備を強化する: step up security at a building
空港での警備を強化する: beef up security in airports
原子力発電所の警備を強化する: tighten security at a nuclear power plant
在外公館周辺の警備を強化する: enhance security around foreign diplomatic missions
軍事施設周囲の警護を強化する: step up the guard around the military facilities
警備を強化する: 1. beef up security 2. bolster security 3. boost security 4. increase security 5. reinforce security 6. strengthen security 7. tighten (one's) security
施設およびその関連区域の警備を強化する: step up security at facilities of and areas related to〔~の〕
無防備と思われる施設の警備を強化する: tighten security at facilities deemed vulnerable to〔~に〕
口の周囲の: 【形】 peroral
目の周囲の: 【形】 circumocular
国境警備を強化する: 1. beef up border-enforcement 2. enforce border security 3. improve border security 4. strengthen the country's border controls
池の周囲の木: trees about the pond
目の周囲の肌: skin around the eye
彼は宮殿の見える牢獄で死んだ: He died in a prison that gave him a view of the palace.
表面化してきた: have been turning up