身を潜めて余生を送る: spend the rest of one's life hiding 隠れて余生を過ごす: spend the rest of one's life hiding 余生を過ごす 1: spend the rest of one's life 余生を過ごす 2 spend the rest of one's life doing〔~しながら〕 探しながら余生を過ごす: spend the rest of one's life looking for〔~を〕 身を潜めた: 【形】 perdu / perdue 喫茶店を経営しながら余生を過ごす: spend the rest of one's life managing a coffee shop 後ろめたく思いながら余生を過ごす: spend the rest of one's life feeling guilty 罪の意識を感じながら余生を過ごす: spend the rest of one's life feeling guilty 罪悪感を持ちながら余生を過ごす: spend the rest of one's life feeling guilty 逃げ回りながら余生を過ごす: spend the rest of one's life running away 逃亡生活をしながら余生を過ごす: spend the rest of one's life running away その老人は、家の奥に引きこもって余生を過ごした。: The old man spent the rest of his life tucked away inside his home. 声を潜めて: in a hushed tone 身を潜める 1: 1. conceal oneself 2. hide oneself 3. hole up 4. lie low 身を潜める 2 【自動】 hide ゴルフや魚釣りをしながら余生を過ごす: spend the rest of one's life playing golf or going fishing