big director driving your pussyass fiero with the scoobydoo seats ! 車の座席カバーが スクービー・ドゥだし
自動車の座席: 1. auto seat 2. car seat 3. motorcar seat _時a発b行きの列車の座席を予約する: reserve a seat in the train leaving A for B at 中央の座席: center seat 内側の座席: inside seat 前の座席: front seat 後ろの座席: backseat 教会の座席: church pew 木製の座席: wooden seat 空港の座席: airport seat 窓側の座席: window seat 1区画の座席: block of seats 低料金の座席: low-priced seat 宇宙船の座席: barber chair 教会の座席料: pew rent 映画館の座席: 1. cinema seat 2. movie seat