decrease the dependence on imported petrochemicals
輸入石油への依存: dependence on imported oil 輸入石油への依存度の低下: reduction in one's dependence on imported oil 石油化学製品: 1. petrochemical 2. petrochemicals 3. petroleum chemicals このような健康に害を及ぼす製品への依存度を下げる: reduce dependence on this health-damaging product 中東の石油への依存度を下げる: reduce one's dependence on Middle Eastern oil 再発頻度を減少させる: reduce the frequency of relapses 合併症頻度を減少させる: reduce complications 痰の粘稠度を減少させる: decrease the viscoelasticity of the sputum 脳への血流を減少させる: decrease the flow of blood to the brain 資源に乏しい日本の石油への依存度を下げる: reduce resource-poor Japan's reliance on oil 政府への依存度を高める: strengthen dependency on the government 車への依存度を下げる: reduce reliance on the automobile 値を減少させる: 【他動】 decrement 再発を減少させる: decrease relapse 効果を減少させる: reduce the effectiveness of〔~の〕