be different than anybody else in one's neighborhood
近所に住むほかの人たちとは異なる: be different than anybody else in one's neighborhood ほかの人たちとは違う: be different from everybody else 私はあの人たちとは違う。: I'm not one of those. 近所に住む日本人たち: someone's Japanese neighbors〔人の〕 ほかの国の人たちと討論する: have discussions with people in other countries ほかの国の人たちと話し合う: have discussions with people in other countries ほかの国の人たちと議論する: have discussions with people in other countries 近所に住む 1: live close by 近所に住む 2 live in next street to〔人の〕 近所の人たちと親しい: be in with one's neighbors ほかのみんなとは違う: be different from everybody else ほかの人たちとコンピュータを共有する: share one's computer with other people ほかの人たちと互いに影響しあうのが好きだ: like having interactions with the other people いろいろな場所に行くとき、普通は、電車とか地下鉄でほかの大勢の人たちと一緒でしょ。: When you're going places you're usually going with a lot of other people on the train or the subway. ほかの人たちのように: like some other people someone knows 近所の人たちと交流がある: communicate with neighbors