but , before i could give my official word だが 私が正式に返答する前に
what would you say ? 何て返答する?
what would you say ? 何て返答する?
there are some possibilities regarding the context of this incident , as one states this speech of iemitsu was based on the advice of masamune , or another suggests the cabinet members of bakufu asked masamune in advance to reply to the words of iemitsu on the spot . この家光の発言は政宗の助言によるものだったとも、あるいは幕閣が政宗に予め根回して即座に返答するよう依頼したとも言われている。
when genji called on his wet nurse who was also the mother of his follower , koremitsu , to inquire after her health , he noticed that a moonflower was in bloom near the fence of his neighbor , sending a man for it , then his neighbor replied to him composing a waka poem . 従者惟光の母親でもある乳母の見舞いの折、隣の垣根に咲くユウガオの花に目を留めた源氏が取りにやらせたところ、邸の住人が和歌で返答する。
返答する 1: 1. make a reply 2. return an answer 返答する 2 【自動】 1. rejoin 2. reply 3. respond 返答する 3 give a reply (to)〔~に〕 返答する〔~と〕: 【他動】 rejoin 丁寧に返答する: answer respectfully 丁重に返答する: answer respectfully 即座に返答する: make a quick reply 大声で返答する: respond loudly 手紙に返答する: reply to someone's letter〔人の〕 書面で返答する: make a written response 笑顔で返答する: respond with a smile 請願に返答する: answer a petition じっくり考えて~に返答する: be thoughtful about one's response to よく考えて~に返答する: be thoughtful about one's response to ファクスで返答する: reply by fax ファクスに返答する: reply to someone's fax〔人の〕 メッセージに返答する: respond to a message