~側の弁護士: lawyer for 被告側の弁護士: attorney for the defense 何人かの弁護士を雇う: hire a cadre of lawyers 新進気鋭の弁護士を雇う: 新進気鋭の弁護士を雇う retain a young aggressive lawyer (見出しへ戻る headword ? 新進) 弁護士をやめる: retire from the bar 弁護士を辞める: leave the bar 弁護人を務める: serve as counsel for〔~の〕 弁護士をする: follow the law 弁護士を雇う: 1. employ a lawyer 2. engage a lawyer 3. engage an attorney 4. hire a solicitor 5. hire an attorney 弁護士を頼む: 1. engage a lawyer 2. get a lawyer 一流の弁護士: well-qualified lawyer 民事の弁護士: civil lawyer 現地の弁護士: local counsel われわれの弁護士は相手側の弁護士の主張を力強く論破した: Our lawyer vigorously refuted their lawyer's claims. この手の事件が専門の弁護士を見つける: find lawyers that specialize in cases of this kind