- dispatch ~ immediately on receipt of payment
送金受領後_日以内に~を発送する: dispatch ~ within __ days of receipt of payment
積送品を受領次第: as soon as one receives the consignment
注文受領次第直ちに発送される: be forwarded immediately upon receipt of the order
確認と見積送り状を受領次第: as soon as one receives someone's confirmation and pro forma invoice〔人の〕
署名済み申込書を受領次第: as soon as one receives the signed application
…までに~を発送する: deliver ~ by
小包を発送する: forward a parcel to〔~に〕
手紙を発送する: dispatch a letter
招待状を発送する: send out invitations
積み荷を発送する: dispatch the consignment of〔~の〕
貨物を発送する 1: forward freight 貨物を発送する 2 【動】 ship a cargo
確認とプロフォーマインボイスを受領次第: as soon as one receives someone's confirmation and pro forma invoice〔人の〕
入荷次第すぐ発送する: ship goods as they become available
入金通知状を発送する: forward advices of credits
注文品を発送する 1: 1. dispatch an order 2. ship an order 注文品を発送する 2 send someone's order〔人の〕