1. throw one's waste on the street 2. throw trash on the street
街路にごみを投げ捨てる: throw one's garbage in the street 道にごみを投げ捨てる: throw one's garbage in the street ごみを投げ捨てる: throw garbage away 通りにくずを投げ捨てる: throw trash on the street 車の窓からごみを投げ捨てる: 1. throw trash from one's car window 2. throw trash out of one's car window 武器を投げ捨てる: throw down one's arms 紙を投げ捨てる: throw the paper away 海にごみを捨てる: dump one's garbage in the ocean 投げ捨てる: 投げ捨てる なげすてる to throw away ごみ箱に投げ捨てる: 1. throw ~ into a dust bin 2. throw ~ into a trash〔~を〕 すべてを投げ捨てる: drop everything マスクを投げ捨てる: throw the mask〔キャッチャーがフライを取るために〕《野球》 快適な生活を投げ捨てる: leave behind a comfortable life (in order) to〔~するために〕 空き缶を投げ捨てる: throw away an empty can …に投げ捨てる: pitch ~ away〔~を〕