- prevent fair and active competition among telecommunications carriers
公正活発な競争を妨げる規制: national regulations that block fair and active competition
事業者間の公正な競争を推進する: encourage fair competition among businesses
通信事業者間の競争を促す: promote competition among telecommunications carriers
電気通信業者間の公正競争を促す: promote fair competition among telecommunication carriers
通信事業者間の競争: intercarrier competition
活発な競争を促す: promote active competition
競争を妨げる: 1. impede one's competitiveness 2. stifle competition
活発な競争: 1. lively competition 2. vigorous competition
~間の公正かつ効果的な競争を育てる: foster fair and effective competition among
~間の公正な競争を促進する: facilitate fair competition among
国内競争を妨げる: hinder domestic competition
市場競争を妨げる: stifle competition
軍事競争を妨げる: prevent military competition
輸入競争を妨げる: cripple import competition
通信事業者: 1. carrier 2. communication common carrier 3. telecommunications [telecom] house [firm, carrier]