- prevent excessive transfer and stockpiling of conventional weapons
通常兵器の過度の移転や蓄積: excessive transfer and accumulation of conventional weapons
過度の蓄積を防止する: prevent the excessive accumulation of〔~の〕
通常兵器の過剰な蓄積: 1. excessive accumulation of conventional weapons 2. excessive stockpiling of conventional weapons
蓄積を防止する: prevent the building up of〔~の〕
通常兵器の過剰保有: excessive holdings of conventional weapons
大量破壊兵器の拡散を防止する: prevent the spread of weapons of mass destruction
生物兵器の拡散を防止する: prevent the proliferation of biological weapons
通常兵器の技術: conventional weapons technology
通常兵器の規制: 1. regulation of conventional weapons 2. regulations on conventional weapons
通常兵器の問題を把握する: grasp the conventional weapons problem
通常兵器の流れを規制する: control the flow of conventional arms
通常兵器による武装侵攻を抑止する: deter a conventional armed invasion
通常兵器による武装侵略を抑止する: deter a conventional armed invasion
通常兵器の輸出管理: export controls on conventional weapons
通常兵器: 通常兵器 つうじょうへいき conventional weapon