Federal immigration authorities want to deputize local and state police to enforce the immigration law.
連邦移民局: federal immigration authorities すべての警察が移民法を執行できるわけではない: Not all police can engage in immigration enforcement. 移民法を改正する: reform immigration laws 移民法を緩和する: 1. ease the immigration laws 2. liberalize the immigration laws たいていの警察官は移民法の専門知識を持たない: Most police officers have no expertise in immigration law. 移民法の執行: immigration enforcement 代理に任命する: 【他動】 deputize 移民法の執行をする: engage in immigration enforcement 移民法: 移民法 いみんほう immigration law 改善するために何か考えている: have some idea to improve〔~を〕 「会議のために、このホテルを予約したいと考えていたんだけど」「よさそうだよ」: "I was thinking about trying to book this hotel for the conference." "It seems nice." 作家になりたいと考えている人: person who wants to become a writer 遂行し続けたいと考えている職務: function one would like to keep performing 法を執行する力がある: have the power of enforcement 移民局職員: 1. Immigration agent 2. immigration official