- Fortunately, the engineers spotted the defect in time.
事実を突き止める: determine the facts
住所を突き止める: ascertain someone's address〔人の〕
動きを突き止める: identify the movement of〔~の〕
問題を突き止める: 1. nail down the problems 2. track down a problem
所在を突き止める: 1. discover someone's whereabouts 2. find out where someone is〔人の〕
正体を突き止める: find out who someone is〔人の〕
病巣を突き止める: 1. detect a focus 2. locate the seat of an affliction
真相を突き止める: hunt the truth
行方を突き止める: find out someone's whereabouts〔人の〕
誰かを突き止める: disclose [turn over] identity of〔~が〕
跡を突き止める: track down〔~の〕
身元を突き止める: 1. determine someone's identity 2. run a make on〔人の〕
消防署は、その大火事の原因を突き止めた: The fire department found the cause of the conflagration.
早急にこの問題の発生源を突き止めたい: We want to pin down the source of this problem quickly.
スパイを突き止める: track down a spy