- command support of a majority of〔~の〕
間の賛同を得る: gain acceptance among〔~の〕
一般の賛同を得る 1: win general approval 一般の賛同を得る 2 enlist public support for〔~について〕
世間一般の賛同を得る: meet with general approbation
広く一般の賛同を得る: obtain universal approbation
多くの賛同を得た: 【形】 broad-based / broadly-based
サミット参加各国の賛同を得る: be approved by all the summit nations
土地所有者の3分の2以上の賛同を得る: obtain approval from more than two-thirds of land owners
地主の3分の2以上の賛同を得る: obtain approval from more than two-thirds of land owners
過半数の支持を得る: command support of a majority of〔~の〕
幅広い賛同を得る: obtain broad support from〔~からの〕
熱狂的賛同を得る: receive enthusiastic approbation
過半数の賛成票が必要だ: require a majority vote to〔~には〕
過半数を得る 1: 1. gain a majority 2. get a majority 3. win a majority 過半数を得る 2 obtain a majority in〔~で〕
下の人たちからの賛同を得て: from bottom up
賛同を得て 1: 1. with one's approval 2. with one's support 賛同を得て 2 with the blessing of〔~の〕