- evade moral responsibility
責任を免れる: 1. be free from blame 2. be immune from one's responsibility 3. shuffle out of responsibility
道義的責任: 道義的責任 どうぎてきせきにん moral obligation
対する道義的責任を取る: take moral responsibility for〔~に〕
対する道義的責任を負う: take moral responsibility for〔~に〕
道義的責任を感じる: feel a moral obligation
道義的責任を果たす: discharge one's moral responsibility
道義的責任を認める: recognize moral responsibility
道義的責任を認識する 1: be aware of one's ethical responsibilities 道義的責任を認識する 2 acknowledge one's moral responsibility as〔~としての〕
責任を免れて: off the hook
道義的責任がある: have a moral obligation
隣人を助ける道義的責任: moral obligation to help neighbors
計り知れないつらい経験に対する道義的責任を表す: express moral responsibility for the immeasurable and painful experiences
死を免れる: 1. avert death 2. escape death 3. miss death 4. save one's carcass
法を免れる: be above [beyond] the law
罪を免れる: 1. avoid charges 2. be acquitted of the charge 3. elude punishment 4. escape punishment