通りを渡る前に右左を確認する: look both ways before one crosses the street 道を渡る前に右左を確認する: look both ways before one crosses the street 道路を渡る前に右左を見る: look both ways before one crosses the street 道を渡る前に右左を見る: look both ways before one crosses the street 右左を確認してから道路を渡る: look both ways before one crosses the street 通りを渡る前に右左を見る: look both ways before one crosses the street 道路を横断する前に左右を確認する: look both ways before crossing a street 右左を見てから道路を渡る: look both ways before one crosses the street 右左を確認してから通りを渡る: look both ways before one crosses the street 右左を確認してから道を渡る: look both ways before one crosses the street 右左を見てから道を渡る: look both ways before one crosses the street 書籍を購入する前に内容を確認する: read a book before buying it 本を購入する前に内容を確認する: read a book before buying it 入る前に身分証明書を確認する: check someone's ID before he enters〔~に〕 寝る前に戸締まりを確認する: make sure that the doors and windows are locked before going to bed