Violators of the law are to face a maximum of __ years imprisonment or a fine of up to $__.
_年以上_以下の懲役または_ドル以上_ドル以下の罰金: punishment by imprisonment for __ to __ years or a fine of $__ to $__ _ドル以下の罰金: 1. a fine not exceeding $__ 2. fine of up to $__ 3. fine up to $__ 違反者に懲役刑や巨額の罰金を科す: slam violators with jail time and enormous fines _年以下の懲役となる: be imprisoned for a maximum of __ years _年以下の懲役を受ける: face prison terms up to __ years _ドル以下の罰金に処せられる: be fined up to $__ _ドル以上_ドル以下の罰金に課せられる: be fined $__ or more but not exceeding $__ _カ月以下の懲役: imprisonment of up to __ months 1年以下の懲役: imprisonment of up to one year _年以下の懲役が課せられる: be sentenced to a prison term of up to __ years _年以下の懲役に処せられる: be jailed for up to __ years _年以下の懲役処分を受ける: punished with imprisonment with labor for not more than __ years _ドル以下の品物: goods costing $__ or less 1年以下の懲役を受ける: face imprisonment of up to one year 最高_ドルまでの罰金を科す: impose a fine of up to $__