目を休める時間を作り遠くにある物に焦点を合わせる: take time to relax one's eyes and focus on a distant object 目を休める時間を作り離れた場所にある物に焦点を合わせる: take time to relax one's eyes and focus on a distant object 収益性に焦点を合わせる: focus on profitability 問題に焦点を合わせる: focus on the issue of〔~の〕 実施に焦点を合わせる: focus on the implementation of〔~の〕 現在に焦点を合わせる: focus on the present 課題に焦点を合わせる: focus on the issue of〔~の〕 遠くのものに焦点を合わせにくい: have trouble focusing on distant objects 焦点を合わせる 1: take the focus 焦点を合わせる 2 1. bring ~ into focus 2. concentrate on 3. focus on 4. hone in on〔~に〕 ab間の関係に焦点を合わせる: focus on the relationship between A and B ab間の関連に焦点を合わせる: focus on the relationship between A and B インターネットに焦点を合わせる: focus on the Internet [Net] テロ行為の原因に焦点を合わせる: focus on the causes of terrorism 最も望ましい生き方に焦点を合わせる: focus on the most desirable way of life 経済の安定に焦点を合わせる: concentrate on the economic stabilization