If handled properly, X Company clearly could emerge out of bankruptcy a healthy company.
会社更生手続きを終える: get out of Chapter 11 巨大小売チェーンx社は、今日、_月_日までに会社更生手続きを終結させたい意向を発表した。: Retail giant X Company said today it hopes to get out of bankruptcy by __. 楽観派の見解によれば、x社は予想よりも_カ月早く会社更生手続きを終結できるかもしれないとのことだ。: If you listen to the optimists, X Company might emerge from bankruptcy __ months earlier than expected. 会社更生手続き: corporate reorganization proceedings 更生手続き: 1. rehabilitation procedure 2. reorganization procedure 3. reorganization proceedings 会社更生手続きの申請: Chapter 11 filing〈米〉 連邦破産法11条による会社更生手続きを申請する: seek Chapter 11 protection 総額_ドルの負債を抱えて会社更生手続きに入る: seek bankruptcy protection with unpaid debts totaling __ dollars 適切に処理される: 1. be dealt with appropriately 2. be handled properly 3. be properly dealt with 4. be properly treated 一読すれば~するはずだ: One reading of the book should 健全な会社: sound company 更生手続きの開始: commencement of reorganization proceedings 事態を適切に処理する: properly handle the matter 問題を適切に処理する: appropriately deal with the issue 取消手続きを終える: complete the cancellation process