確率で決まる: rest on the cast of the dice 示談で決まる: be fixed on private terms 種類で決まる: depend on the type of〔~の〕 ほぼ全面的に~で決まる: depend almost entirely on 選挙で: 1. at the polls 2. by suffrage さいころの目で決まるようなもの: roll of the dice その提案次第で決まる大きな商取引: big business deal hanging on the proposal 扶養手当がとても有利な条件で決まる: get an excellent alimony settlement 選挙で勝つ: win in polls 選挙で戦う: contest the election 選挙で~に勝つ: 1. beat ~ in an election 2. defeat ~ for election 3. win election over 首相選挙で: in the election for prime minister 決まる: 決まる きまる to be decided to be settled to look good in (clothes) 人間のすべては遺伝子で決まるという考え: genetic determinism 適格かどうかは学外試験の成績で決まる: Eligibility hinges on [upon] performance on external exam.